Mythodea / Castel del Sol
For the 3rd year in a row, East Blackwood gathered at one of their meager holdings. Normally these gatherings are reserved for a feast and to host Blackwood Court but this one was different. This gathering at Castel del Sol in the City of Copperdale, within Lunorth in the Northern Seal of Mythodea, celebrated the lives of those who had passed on with a focus on Sir Dagger of Blackwood's uncle, Targret Arkenstone of Dragon Rose and Ceallach of the O'Annid the once Champion of East Blackwood's Embassy Guard.

The Gathering at Castel del Sol
Commander Anthem Devigil Delos HORD of
the Embassy Guard once again invited members of the Embassy Guard,
Embassy and East Blackwood Company, as well as two Blackwood
affiliated guests, to a feast in his home, Castel del Sol. His
guests arrived the day before the feast enjoyed each others company
at the East Blackwood Embassy Deputation in the E.B.Co Guild District
in Copperdale before venturing over to Castel del Sol the next
Commander Anthem welcomed his guests in the early evening before the stars were out in the sky and treated them to the first course of many and the gentle music of a group of bards. After the first and second courses ended Anthem's servant received letters for two of the guests, Lurius of the East Blackwood Company and one other that will remain unnamed. The letters contained a sort of contact poison which infected no less than five of those gathered. Broyan, Beria de Eline and Anthem responded as quickly as they could.
Once Commander Anthem got the initial symptoms were under control the letters were physically, alchemically and magically analyzed and a cure was devised. Beria de Eline worked magic, nearly killing himself in the process, to cure the infected of their ailment. The evidence was collected of the crime to add the already ongoing investigation. Sir Dagger claims that the notes of these investigations will be presented to the local authorities as needed.

In Memorium
After the poisoning indecent had passed, Commander Anthem apologized for the unfortunate event and it was time to honor the dead. Sir Dagger of Blackwood called the guests from the feast and other guests who had been gathering outside in the district for the occasion to honor their lost love ones. The ceremony began with the honoring of the fallen and moved slowly to honoring the passing of Targret Arkenstone of Dragon Rose who was Sir Dagger of Blackwood's uncle. A candle was lit in his honor and his name was recorded in In Memorium. After, Ceallach of the O'Annid was honored, a candle was lit for him, whiskey was spilled for him and then drank in his honor and then his name was recorded In Memorium.
As the honoring of the dead came to a
close, Sir Dagger invited those who had gathered outside to stay and
tell stories of their loved one's while the rest of the feast guests
went inside for the next course of food and Blackwood Court.

East Blackwood Answers the Call to Crusade
Blackwood Court is an official
gathering presented by the nobility of Blackwood. Since the
Knighting of Sir Dagger of Blackwood, Blackwood Court has also been
hosted outside of Blackwood in Mythodea. The first major item of
Blackwood Court at the gathering at Castle Del Sol was the
announcement that in the spring of the previous year, Lady
Anna-Katharina von Rabenau was given Sworn Citizenship of Blackwood
by the Legets of the East and West in the name of the Kingdom of
The other main topic that was discussed was a letter from Sir Balor of Zweiwasser which Sir Dagger had yet to open. The letter was opened by Corporal Bødvar and read to all those present. The letter spoke of a holy quest in the name of the Elements. It called upon those willing to help in this crusade. It called upon East Blackwood to help fight for the Elements once more in Kahl'hatra with the intention of staying there should the land be cleansed of the Forsaken. Sir Dagger asked all present if they would take up arms for the Elements and all present agreed individually of their own merit and reason join in the Holy Crusade. "For Crown and Country, East Blackwood!" was cried out in unity after the decision was made.
Lady Anna-Katharina von Rabenau then gave an impassioned speech to East Blackwood. She spoke of family, honor, strength and unity. She spoke of East Blackwood and its future. Sir Dagger among others were seen smiling in full agreement to the words spoken and perhaps with a bit of pride for East Blackwood was united in a common cause.
Joy Rising from Sadness
Everybody loves a wedding especially when it is not planned! For many years now Corporal Bødvar "BeerHunter" and Makø Tok have been sworn to one another yet they have never married. They have often been referred to as if they were married but this has not been the case. Late into the the night of drinking, gambling, eating and good company, Sir Dagger finally had enough of the two of them, and others, using each other as if they were indeed married. Sir Dagger offered to us the Blackwood Civil Wedding Ceremony right then and there to marry the two to one another. After a few nervous glances, Corporal Bødvar "BeerHunter" and Makø Tok agreed to be married.
Sir Dagger read from the Book of Blackwood by candle light. The two exchanged tokens of their bonds and were married before witnesses, a best man and woman and, without objection from those gathered. Bødvar, like Captain Varn Delany before him, took his wife's last name of Tok. We at the Ambassador wish the happy couple a joyous life. Congratulations Makø and Bødvar Tok.