Mythodea / Of House and Home 4

Ferbruary 16 - 18 2024

France:  A long and tiring year is behind us.  Regions of Kahl'Hatra were conquered and settled.  At the Festival of Life, the Syconian Viscount sent a message to Lady Anna, East Blackwood and Allies but worse still, Mako does not remember who she is and who the rest are.  What will happen next?

As has become tradition, Blackwood Court will also be hosted during the gathering.

Master William Klatch of the East Blackwood Company invites YOU to a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Knights Errant Inn and Drei Ponnies Brauhaus in Nova Bretonia near Triskel.

We highly advise you to be patient with Makø Tock.  Her situation has not changed since the end of the Festival of Life in Kahl'Hatra.  Perhaps your presence will reawaken her memories.

OT Night

Starting on Friday at Knight's Errant (Makø and Davy's) it will be simple chilling and catching up in an OT party.

IT Night

The next night on Saturday we will host a small IT evening at Knight's Errant (Makø and Davy's place) which will represent the new Drei Ponnies Brauhaus.  Some plot may be planned for this evening.  Drinks, snacks, gambling, song and good conversation is to be expected and if there is enough fighters the Champion of the Guard Tournament as well.  A formal protocol is listed bellow for the evening.


Of House and Home 4 will be hosted in the Western Seal in Nova Bretonia, Mythodea. This home will be owned by Sir Bodvar Tock.  Specifically, the gathering will be hosted by William Klatch.


Arrival and Welcome

As the guests arrive, William Klatch will welcome each person. Once all are present and settled William will give a formal welcome speech to those present. Following that, Baron Dagger of East Blackwood may make some remarks to those gathered.

Time for Discussion and Private Meetings

After the guests arrive and everyone is welcomed, there will be time for discussions and private meetings. Sir Dagger should meet privately prior to Blackwood Court.

Champion of the Guard Tournament

It has been all too long since the last Champion of the Guard Tournament.  There will be an opertunity to host it at Of House and Home 4. (Only if we have at least 4 Fighters and of course the current Champion).

Pay Day and Beer Presentation from William

The Embassy Guards and Contracted E.B.Co members were receive their payment.

Feast and Drinks

Food and drinks will be presented at a table near the main table to be consumed throughout the gathering. As the light dims outside guests will be encouraged to take their seats, eat and drink.

Blackwood Court

As all are seated within the hall, Blackwood Court will begin officially. First, matters of the Kingdom of Blackwood will be announced followed by matters concerning East Blackwood directly. Following that anyone will have the opportunity to speak to Sir Dagger of Blackwood, Lady Anna-Katharina von Rabenau, Corporal Bodvar BeerHunter and Master Djako about anything they require.

Gambling, Drinking, Eating and Mingling

Following all official proceedings, the night is open to eating, drinking, gambling and other things.  Enjoy!


  • William Klatch, Master Tradesman and Merchant of the East Blackwood Company

Guest List

  • Sir Dagger of Blackwood, Ambassador of Blackwood and Realms Embassy Ambassador, Legate of the East, Leader of the East Blackwood Company, Mayor of CrestGrath
  • Bødvar Beerhunter, Lt. Representative 1st Class of Blackwood, Merchant of the East Blackwood Company, Guard of the Embassy Guard
  • Makø Tock, Master Scribe of the East Blackwood Company
  • William Klatch, Master Brewer, Carpenter and Healer of the East Blackwood Company
  • Logaan, Champion of the Embassy Guard
  • Commander Anthem, Commander of the Embassy Guard, Master Tradesman of the East Blackwood Company.
  • Sir Alsrik, Knight of Nova Bretonia
  • Marik Flugrimson, Captain Rate of the Embassy Guard and Merchant of the East Blackwood Company (l
  • Master Gideon, Clerk and Head Mage of the East Blackwood Company 
  • Corporal Annabel "IronSkull," Corporal of the Embassy Guard
  • Solin, Of the Thoringaard (Maybe)

Of House and Home 4

Date: February 16 - 18 2024

Time:  17:00 Friday February 16 2024

Location:  Knight's Errant, France. Dambelin France 25150.

The guest list is checked with Davy and Mako (the owners of the location). 

Sleeping space will be provided but one should bring their own beds and blankets.

Everyone who wants to cook should bring food and enough to share.

Everyone coming should bring drinks also for themselves and to share.