Mythodea / Of House and Home 3

Commander Anthem once again invites the people of East Blackwood to attend him at a gathering in his manor. Blackwood Court will be hosted there as well as the In Memorium ceremony.

OT Night
Starting on Friday st Jose's it will be simple chilling and catching up in an OT party.
IT Night
The next night on Saturday we will host a small IT evening in "The Great Hall" at (Jose's place) which will represent a Castel del Sol, the Divigil Manor in Copperdale. Some plot may be planned for this evening. Drinks, snacks, gambling, song and good conversation is to be expected. Also, for those interested, there will be sparring available outside. A formal protocol is listed bellow for the evening.
Of House and Home 3 will be hosted in the East Blackwood Company Guild District, of Copperdale, Lunorth in the Northern Seal, Mythodea. Specifically, the gathering will be hosted by Commander Anthem in his home.
Arrival and Welcome
As the guests arrive, Commander Anthem DeVigil, Delos HORD will welcome each person. Once all are present and settled Anthem will give a formal welcome speech to those present. Following that, Sir Dagger of Blackwood may make some remarks to the hall.
Time for Discussion and Private Meetings
After the guests arrive and everyone is welcomed, there will be time for discussions and private meetings. Sir Dagger should meet privately prior to Blackwood Court.
Combat Training and Sparring
Throughout the gathering, there will be time for training and
sparring in the courtyard of the DiVigil manor. It is
encouraged that this time is used for that.
Pay Day
The Embassy Guards and Contracted E.B.Co members were receive their payment.
In Memorium Ceremony
This year we will focus the In Memorium Ceremony on two who have recently passed, Targret Arkenstone of Dragon Rose Ltd. and Ceallach of the O'Annid who's players Garrett Heinstrom and Mike Hendriks both passed away within the last week.
Feast and Drinks
Food and drinks will be presented at a table near the main table to be consumed throughout the gathering. As the light dims outside guests will be encouraged to take their seats, eat and drink.
Blackwood Court
As all are seated within the hall, Blackwood Court will begin officially. First, matters of the Kingdom of Blackwood will be announced followed by matters concerning East Blackwood directly. Following that anyone will have the opportunity to speak to Sir Dagger of Blackwood, Lady Anna-Katharina von Rabenau, Corporal Bodvar BeerHunter and Master Djako about anything they require.
Gambling, Drinking, Eating and Mingling
Following all official proceedings, the night is open to eating, drinking, gambling and other things. Enjoy!
- Commander Don Anthem DeVigil, Delos HORD, Commander of the Embassy Guard, Master Tradesman and Merchant of the East Blackwood Company
Guest List
- Sir Dagger of Blackwood, Ambassador of Blackwood and Realms Embassy Ambassador, Legate of the East, Leader of the East Blackwood Company, Mayor of CrestGrath
- Bødvar Beerhunter, Lt. Representative 1st Class of Blackwood, Merchant of the East Blackwood Company, Guard of the Embassy Guard
Lady Anna-Katharina von Rabenau, Deputy Emessary of Blackwood
- Lurius, Alchemist of the East Blackwood Company
- Mako Tok, Master Scribe of the East Blackwood Company
- Leon, Associate Guard of the Embassy Guard
- Seraphina, Ordens Schwester, Apothekterin
- Broyan, Guard of the Embassy Guard
- William Thatch, Master Brewer, Carpenter and Healer of the East Blackwood Company
- Beria de Eline, Merchant of the East Blackwood Company, Guard of the Embassy Guard

Of House and Home 3
Date: January 27 - 29 2023
Time: 19:00 Friday January 27 2023
Location: Jose's in Saalstadt. Address to come via direct message.
The guest list is checked with Jose (the renter of the location).
Sleeping space will be provided but beds are limited. It may be best to bring your own cots and sleeping bags just in case.