The Realms / Nedengiving 3
USA: Sir Shean O'Quinnlin, lord of Creathorne and Guild Master of the Realms Embassy in Bicolline will attend Nedengiving in the Nation of Neden.

It has been another crackerjack year for the boy-o's and we are so happy to share in our bounty. Join us once again as we break bread with Naj's famous cooking Turkey, Ham, Potatoes, Greens, Stuffing, Appropriately Plated Cranberry Sauce and much much more. The Nedsonian Museum is back with glorious treasures... Come to take a gander at the ever-increasing O'Leary lineage, see what marvels we found underneath his bed and couch cushions, make a bid on an item of power you desire. The Neden Carnival will be in full swing with more attractions and attendants to help get you the tickets you all clamor for. Of course, we will have the New Eden Casino for you to spend and earn money plus the New Eden Emporium shops will be set up for you to spend every cent you earn. There will be tourneys for your entertainment, plus Bardics and the return of Dresdens what I am thankful for competition. We will have two different Ticket colors for Auction Items. One from competing in games and tourneys one for Donating Cans for Charity. We will also be having a special auction for those weird green backs for some of Neden Forges fancy items. So come on down and support you local Neden Crew.
Lord Sir Syruss O'Leary
Nedengiving 3
Site is American Legion Haverhill, MA - Haverhill, MA.
Site opens at 11:30am and closes at 6:30pm
Event starts at 12:00 PM, on Sunday November 25, 2018.
Event ends at 12:01 PM, on Sunday November 25, 2018.
Cost is $20 (15 Dollars with 15 can donations) at the Door 15$ PayPal.
Pre-registration is suggested.