The Realms / Feast of Blackwood Recap by Sayeh
In the fall of the common year 1018, the Kingdom of Blackwood held their annual Feast of Blackwood.

Blackwood Court and Feast of Blackwood
The Feast of Blackwood marks the turning of the seasons, as summer comes to a close and the harvest begins to show it's bounty. Baroness Sayeh of Sapphire Isle returned home just in time for this occasion, prepared to make announcements of what happened while she was away for most of the summer in Mythodea.
However, it would seem like many things have gone a miss. She was informed of the attack on Sir Shean, Lord of Creathorne and Head Ambassador of the Realms Embassy, as well as how her sister, Vernice was caught in the middle of the fight. She had not been able to go home yet to see her sisters, and therefore did not have the full story as of yet. It seems that some matters will have to be clarified with Vernice, Voranis, and Chimeron at a later time.
Court was called, and most of the Lords of Blackwood were in attendance. His Majesty was called away often to take care of business, and so Prince Seagan was present and seem most of the time to entertain the many guests and ask for those with business at court. His Majesty made himself ready before everyone at the start of court to welcome everyone.
The Guild of Artisans was formed by some of the craftsmen/women of the Realms to help teach their skills to others. This guild includes weapons, garb, armor, leather, and other items. Currently, there are five masters of the guild.
Kal'lumdaka inducted a new member into their ranks, making her the newest member of the Kingdom of Blackwood serving under Lord Faust and Lord Meds.
Mathias took Pilpus on as a Squire to the Knights of Blackwood, even though he swore he'd never take another squire on. He surprised Pilpus with it at court not having discussed it prior, but the new squire excepted wholeheartedly and with joy.
Sayeh got up in court to announce the Blackwood and Realms Embassy in the Western Seal was at last under contract, which was met with great applause. In this moment Sayeh also asked for a moment of silence for the untimely death of Archon Karl Webber of the Reich der Rosen.
Prince Seagan made an announcement that Voranis and Blackwood made a union to work together, there are different items, some of which Sayeh was preluded to which will come about in greater details at a later date.
At the end of court it came as a surprise to some that the rumor that Sir Shean would be called up in court and stand trial for crimes committed in the weeks before did not come to be. It is unknown was will happen, and some predict that certain items will take place now at the Court of Chimeron, at the Black & White Masquerade to be held one month from now.