Realms / Rhiassa Presents: Feast of the Leviathan XXI
USA: The 21st annual Feast of Leviathan is once again right around the corner. For now, it is certain that the Baroness Sayeh of Sapphire Isle will be attending from the East Blackwood Embassy. Likely other members of the Realms Embassy, including its Guild Master Sir Shean, will be in attendance along with dignitaries from other Realms nations.

Every year for twenty years now during the peak of winter, the Nation of Rhiassa holds the Feast of Leviathan. One can expect great food and comradery as one of the Realms Year’s premier event takes place. The View from Valehaven had a short but informative article on the feast last year. Have a look!

Rhiassa Presents: Feast of the Leviathan XXI
Site is JN Webster Boy Scout Camp - Ashford, CT.
Site opens at 11:00 AM and closes at 9:00 PM
Event starts at 12:00 PM, on Saturday January 19, 2019.
Event ends at 08:00 PM, on Saturday January 19, 2019.
Cost is TBA.
Pre-registration is suggested.