Esslingen Weihnachtsmarkt Meetup 2022
The East Blackwood Embassy and East Blackwood Company will be attending the annual Esslingen Christmas market. We are there to mostly hang out and have fun at an OOC/OT holiday event with an attached Medieval Market.
Fun Stuff - The Market
Esslingen offers both a Christmas Market and a Medieval Market. In the Christmas Market portion, one can expect a well-decorated market nestled behind an old church with a backdrop of a fortified wall on a hill. It offers the typical shopping, food, and drinks one comes to expect from these sorts of markets in Germany.
What makes this market special is that more than half of it is set aside as a Medieval Market which offers much much more. From Plays, demonstrations and musical performances to games, shopping, interesting food and hot mead, the Medieval Market at the Esslinger Weihnachtsmarkt is a must-see for market-goers.
- Hot Mead
- Pig on a Spit
- Hempftaschen (A chunky, well seasoned, meat sauce in a pita)
- Performances - Dance, Parade, Sword Fighting, Comedy and Music
- Games - Archery, bowling, etc.
- Shops - Leather, clothing, trinkets, cutlery, jewelry and more
- Zuber - (Open Tubs)
- Taverns
- And much more!