Mythodea / South of South
Atteron requested aid of their allies and aid answered... or at least
they attempted to. A host consisting of Fortress of Diversity and allies left Mythodea on on a voyage to Atteron to answer the call for aid. Due to weather difficulties at sea and the presence of the Skargen, most of the Fortress of Diversity ships made landing at the World Forge but they knew the island was too unstable to stay there long. Mr. Quinn, originally of the Fortress of Diversity mission, had been among those who went off course returned to the main host of the Fortress of Diversity to inform them that the Freischar were in need of aid on the Southern Continent. Together, they left to the World Forge and voyaged South to the lands near Westfjord where they later met up with Porto Leonis, the Seekers, the Realm of Roses, the Naldar and others who had already answered the call of aid from the Freischar.
Near Westfjord the hosts combined forming a larger host with those who had intended to go there. After the misfortune, the host made camp and were met with the surviving Freischar who spoke of an expedition they were undertaking further South.

Painting by: Hannah Gritsch
Banner Barer
Merane Úlfsdóttir met Bødwar BeerHunter at a festival, in part, hosted by him. During the festival she won the melee and later, after a night of drinking and gambling, she explained that she would be embarking on a mission to Atteron and asked if he would like to assist. Sir Dagger of Blackwood gave his blessing to both Bødwar and Lordas of the Embassy Guard who left with the host to support the Fortress of Diversity on their mission. Due to a set of unfortunate events, the host found themselves near Westfjord in the South. There, they set up camp and prepared to meet whatever threats that may come.
Shortly after nightfall, the host came under attack by the Black Ice. A question within the Fortress of Diversity was raised, "who is going to carry the banner." Bødwar BeerHunter, Emissary of the Kingdom of Blackwood and Embassy Guard volunteered to do the honor. Bødwar reports fighting the Black Ice and Skargen until the enemy assault was defeated. The banner remained standing.

Painting by: Hannah Gritsch
Missing Trebuchet
Bødwar woke the next day before the break of dawn and scouted the
unfamiliar area the host had camped within. Without any expectation
of finding anything, Bødwar stumbled across an unguarded trebuchet
near a Black Ice camp in the surrounding region. Bødwar returned to
the Fortress of Diversity Camp and informed Kaela, the Military
Leader of the Fortress of Diversity and the Leader of the Explorers
Banner of what he had found. With the assistance of Kaela, Merane
Úlfsdóttir, Verian,
Bødwar returned to the Trebuchet and together they pushed it to the
Diversity camp.
Kaela Supports a Ritual
year ago the East Blackwood Company left Mythodea on a mission to the
Bahianische Reich Bødvar
Beerhunter of the Embassy Guard was shot by a cursed arrow during a battle with
several orc clans. Since then no amount of healing, alchemical
assistance and or surgical efforts have brought relief to the
corruption that grew from the site of the wound making Bødwar unable
to use his left arm for much more than holding small objects.
During the campaign, several friends and people of the Fortress of Diversity volunteered to construct, lead and guard a ritual to cure Bødvar BeerHunter of his cursed wound. A man named Ruben was the ritual lead, Valerie served as an observer and as an aid. Lovis, a personal friend and teacher of Bødvar, served as second in command of the ritual. Kathleen aided as a surgical healer. Verian served as the alchemist and Arashi, Mandrin and the military leader of the Fortress of Diversity herself, Kaela offered their services as ritual guards. Through the ritual, the wound was opened and the corruption was drawn out and place in a container for security reasons. The ritual was successful but the container, that was considered to be very dangerous, is missing.
A Murder?
Away from the battlefield on the last night before the host once again departed on a further expedition, Lilly was found dead, her throat cut, after someone next to her had screamed calling people to the location. The scream was short lived and the person whom voiced it, and Schmuckich
the sister-in-law to the Archon of the North, was also found injured laying near the corpse of Lilly. Through attempted divination and collection of evidence accusations were made as to who the murderer was. The Ambassador Staff will follow this story as it continues to unfold.