Mythodea / Lunorth

Lord Protector Viktor Kettle
Later during the festival, Dagger had the opertunity to speak with Viktor a few times. The conversations went much the way they usually went between East Blackwood and the Lord Protector, he hinted at East Blackwood bending the knee to the Lunorth and aquiring land and titles as a result only this time in less words. The topics were well understood between both parties at that point.
Grand Inquisitor of Lunorth, Master of Fairh, Lunorth's First Lady and Member of the Order of the Black Sun, Eva De'Andre
At the start of the festivities at the Summer Solstice in Lunorth, East
Blackwood and Nova Bretonia presented the Grand Inquisitor Eva De'Andre and her husband an E.B.Co crate of assorted wines as a gift. At the same time
Sir Dagger of Blackwood introduced Lady Anne and Mako Tok of the East
Blackwood Embassy.
Late on the first night of the Festival, Eva "suggested" that Dagger take part in the poetry tournament on the following day. Dagger took part in the poetry tournament the following day.
During the festival, Sir Dagger became aware of Eva's ailment while searching for an Advocate and he offered his services as an energy source as needed. Dagger took part in the ritual and aiden in the cleansing. Logaan of the Embassy Guard also took part in the ritual.
After an altercaiton which took place on the second to last night of the festival, Sir Dagger sought the Grand Inqusitor's advice in dealing with the matter. He followed her advice as best he could as a resault of the conversation.
Lord Captain Ravn Ulfsson, Lord of the Three Sisters and Noble of Lunorth
Ceallach of the O'Anni, as a then honored guest of East Blackwood, invited and spoke with the Lord to be of the Three Sisters, Captain Ravn Ulfsson at the East Blackwood camp. During this meeting Sir Dagger was dealing with another matter however after Ceallach informed Dagger that they were invited to dine at the high table with the new lord at his longhouse later during the festival.
Sir Dagger and Mako Tok worked a trade deal to pay for a gift for the new lord, an amber necklas and the crate it came in. Once the trade deal was done, Sir Dagger asked Lordas, the new Champion of the Embassy Guard, to inform Lady Anne that the formal gathering at the longhouse appeared to be about to begin. With members of the Embassy Guard, the gift was transported to the Long House and they made their way inside, Lady Anne following just behind.
Once inside and Sir Dagger and Lady Anne were seated with Lord Protector Darius, a speach was given by Lord Protector Viktor Kettle and Lord Ravn was sworn in as the new Lord of the Three Sisters. It was after that speech that Sir Dagger and Lady Anne presented the new lord with his gift. Lady Anne, after, had the opertunity to speak more with the new lord.
Lord Sir Raven of the Cotiere of the Iron Daggers
After a disagreement in payment between the East Blackwood Company and the Iron Daggers, it became prudent to come to a mutal agreement, understanding and to repair the relationship between the two parties. Sir Dagger of Blackwood with Ceallach
of the O'Annid and Falk of the Embassy Guard sat down with Sir Raven of
the Corterie of the Iron Daggers to discuss a finalized payment
agreement. Sir Dagger and Lord Sir Raven made a gentlemens agreement
which was carried out two days later whith the assistance of an Advocat
form the Advocat's Guild and whitnesses.