Mythodea / Convent of the Elements by Dagger and Sayeh
Every year the Mythodea Town of Holzbrüch hosts the Convent of the Elements and one major Mythodea region serves as guest host. This year the Western Seal were the guest hosts of the festival. The nobility, merchants, knights, chieftains and common folk gather in Bad Holzbrück for festivities, shops, games, politics, trade and much more. During this year's convent, the East Blackwood Embassy hosted a reception party for the opening of their Embassy in the Western Capital. That story below.

Western Seal
During the Convent of the Elements, dignitaries, nobles, merchants and friends from all over Mythodea were invited to attend the reception for the grand opening of the East Blackwood Embassy. The new embassy is located within the Western Seal's capital of Grian Quihenya. The embassy will serve as the primary residence of Ambassador Dagger of Blackwood as well as a residence for guests, other Realms dignitaries and as a place of diplomacy and will serve as a deputation.
During the Grand Opening Reception, two-thirds of the invited parties were able to attend, most importantly members of the Western nobility, and many brought with them other parties of interest, squires or company members. The event opened on the second day of the Convent with Representative Djako Kaevh greeting guests at the Banner of Silence and East Blackwood Camp. The hostess of the event, Representative Sayeh the Baroness of Sapphire Isle, greeted guests after they had entered the camp. Ambassador Dagger explained to those gathered what was available to them during their stay, The Ambassador Newspaper, fruit, sweets, cheeses, breads, meats and five sorts of wine while Embassy Guards Marik and Varn served.
Dring the height of the social event, the Nyame of the West, Siobhán NíCharthaigh, Jean-Louis the Voice of the West and his bride to be Azela de Boisvert, and the Baroness Eflama de Boisvert were among the number of esteemed attendees. At the event's peak, Ambassador Dagger called for calm as the hostess, Sayeh, gave a speech thanking all of those who had attended on behalf of Blackwood's king and of the Embassy in Mythodea. She also announced that the King of Blackwood would be getting married in the fall to which those gathered offered their congratulations. Ambassador Dagger then presented a gift to Sayeh for her support of the Embassy in Mythodea since its conception before ending the overall proceedings with the Blackwood Song not too long after to close out an afternoon of wine and good company.

Jean-Louis the Voice of the West
During the Convent of the Elements (2019), Jean-Louis was among the invited guests to the Grand Opening Reception of the East Blackwood Embassy. A few kind words were said on his behalf during a speech and he was mentioned in the Mitrasperanische Herold by the Embassy as well. In the end, it was a futile attempt at diplomacy as rumor has it, the Voice of the West, Jean-Louis, still hates Ambassador Dagger.
Sayeh of Sapphire Isle, Representative of the East Blackwood Embassy was seen traveling with the Voice of the West to Holzbrüch as his guest.
Baroness Eflama de Boisvert and the Boisvert Family
At a dinner party in Grian Quihenya, Eflama and the family Boisvert had agreed to host the Embassy's opening party in their camp, the Banner of Silence. To simplify the event to come, the two camps merged making the world easier for both. This provided the Embassy staff and those of the Banner with time to get to know each other as the two lived together.
Connel of the Kura'Assil
In preparation for the Embassy's Grand Opening, the Embassy approached Connel the leader of the Kura'Assil and the brother of the Archon of the West. Connel was invaluable in helping find the various invitees on the invite lists. Later on during the Convent (2019), Connel informed Captain Varn of CrestGrath that he will no longer be the leader fo the Kura'Assil and instead someone else will step in to take that position. This is important as it means the training partner of the Embassy Guard is getting a new leader.
The Ris of the West
The Ris of Atlantas, Antador, Greifenhag, the Dotharians as well as the Lady of the Sphears, Knight Ragnar of Abhain Cuan, Barons Sal of Bangur and Liandra zu Woffenau were among those invited to the Grand Opening Reception of the East Blackwood Embassy. Many of which attended including the new Ris of Greifenhag and Atlantas.
Liandra zu Wolfenau and the Waffenmeister
A Champion Herold delivered two letters to the East Blackwood Embassy. The Ambassador's letter was an apology for the rude way in which the Embassy had been dismissed from the Xarann and Waffenmeister Camp during the Summer Campaign the year prior. It also contained an invitation to speak with the House Xarann and the Waffenemeister at their camp during the Convent of the Elements. Dagger visited the camp and spoke his piece. He agreed in the end that the matter was settled but the cold way in which even Liandra had treated him in that moment still cast his opinions of them into doubt. Not all members of Xarann and not all of the Champions are true friends of the Ambassador.
As a way of apology, Champion Herold Aurigraina presented both Ambassador Dagger and Representative Sayeh with gifts. The book was Dagger's gift and the box and its contents were Sayeh's. See below.
Realm of Roses
To commemorate the grand opening of the East Blackwood Embassy at Grian Quihenya, Sayeh of Sapphire Isle and the Dagger of Blackwood, Blackwood's Ambassador to Mythodea invited dignitaries, nobles, merchants and friends from all around Mythodea to a reception party during this year's convent of the Elements. Many members of the Court of Roses and Thorns were invited from among the number of those invited from the Realm yet only the nobility outside the court attended.
Just prior to this year's Convent of the Elements, the East Blackwood Embassy declared its support for the Margrave Balor the Red to become the new Archon of Thorns. Balor was among those invited to celebrate the opening of the East Blackwood Embassy and was one of the Rosen number who attended the party. Balor arrived with a silver platter holding two chalices as gifts for the hostess, Sayeh of Sapphire Isle, and for the Ambassador, Dagger of Blackwood.
Stordon von Zackenburg and Baron Fiete Münzer of Schönweiler also attended the East Blackwood Embassy Reception Party.
Märkischer Bund
Ronja Damotil, Former Chancellor of Knowledge of the Märkischer Bund, died during the Bluthatz earlier in the year leaving behind her father, Boromil Damotil. Representative Djako insisted, rightfully so, that the Embassy pay its respects to the father. The Embassy went to the Märkischer Bund camp at the Convent of the Elements and offered their condolences. Both Dagger and Djako had a few words and embraces to offer including a promise of support where needed. Together the group sat with Boromil "Bobo" Damotil for a while and broke bread with him.

Porto Leonis
Ulrich von Hochkammer of Porto Leonis met with Ambassador Dagger of Blackwood during the Convent of the Elements to discuss the issues the East Blackwood Embassy and E.B.Co had with Porto Leonis. Dagger explained the issues to include the first time he met with a Leonis dignitary and other issues that transpired after. Ulrich explained that there had been changes within the city to include their stand on trade and the Mitrasperanische Hanse. This prompted Dagger to present the East Blackwood Company's general offer. After further discussion, Ulrich and Dagger agreed to continue the conversation during the Summer Campaign.
Ing of the Bracar Keltoi, His Eminence Chattras and Fia of the Brakar Keltoi were invited to attend the reception to commemorate the opening of the East Blackwood Embassy in Grian Quihenya. Fia and Chattras were both able to attend and were welcomed fondly. Wine and refreshments were provided for them while they treated with the various assembled dignitaries, merchants and the staff of the Embassy including Ambassador Dagger and Representative Sayeh of Sapphire Isle. As the party wore down, Fia chose to stay behind and drink with the staff including the Ambassador. Plans to commemorate a tavern in Fia's name are now in motion.

Sapphire Isle and Blackwood
Upon arrival in the Western Seal, the Baroness Sayeh of Sapphire Isle was seen in the company of Ambassador Dagger of Blackwood and her fellow constituents. She made visits to the Baroness Eflama de Boisvert and her sisters, as well as with His Excellency, Jean-Louis, The Voice of the West.
At the gathering in Holzbrück, invitations were delivered requesting that some important partners and other influential persons make their appearance at a wine tasting party held in celebration of the Embassy of Blackwood. Here the Ambassador and fellow members of the East Blackwood Co. presented Sayeh with a model of her ship, The Jasmine, and performed for her a song. The party seemed to be a success with even the Nyame of the West finding time to attend.
During her stay, the Baroness presented Margrave Balor of Zweiwasser with a brass chain of office with many medallions with embossed suns to honor his faith in Ignis. This was a gift from the Kingdom of Blackwood for the opportunities that the Margrave had given to the Ambassador when first this endeavor began. It was also a sign of support for the Margrave as he makes his intentions known that he will be competing to become the next Archon of Thorns. Often in the morning, the Baroness was seen having breakfast with the Margrave and conversing.
The Baroness spent as much time as she could with her men of East Blackwood, often seen out with them at nights frequenting taverns or at other camps enjoying food, drink, or song. She was also seen in a meeting with the S.H.G with her new model ship and present at a contract signing with the Mitrasperanische Hanse.
She was last seen gathering up her items after the gathering, with the intentions of heading Northeast toward Zweiwasser with the Margrave and some of the men in East Blackwood.
After hearing the news of the choice presented the Münzquell which demanded they leave their homes or die, Ambassador Dagger still felt it respectful to invite his greatest supporter within the Münzquell, Fe'wae' Me'llinar Vite'z of the Leckerlis. Fe'wae' had spoken for Dagger during the first Pan Mythodean Trade Conferences, effectively supporting the East Blackwood Company's chances of assuming a leadership role in the Terra Tunnel repairs needed for that year's summer campaign. Fe'wae' was invited to attend a reception to commemorate the opening of the East Blackwood Embassy in Grian Quihenya. He brought his niece as his plus two.

Ad Astra
Se'amus O'Connor, Iuba Bajoran and Alayne Osfrydstochter were invited to attend a reception to commemorate the opening of the East Blackwood Embassy in Grian Quihenya. Iuba was the only Ad Astran able to attend but was welcomed fondly. Wine and refreshments were provided for them while they treated with the various assembled dignitaries, merchants and the staff of the Embassy including Ambassador Dagger and Representative Sayeh of Sapphire Isle. During the party, Ambassador Dagger spoke at length about potential trade relations between the East Blackwood Company and Ad Astra. Further meetings will have to take place in the future to discuss the matter further.


Ingra Trade Deal
During the Convent of the Elements, Realms Year 1019, the East Blackwood Company met with Ingra and Master Murial of the Eastern Seal to finalize a trade deal concerning the transportation of goods. With all E.B.Co resources in place and extra security forces ordered, the deal was closed with a large payment of ale and the standard fees.
Black Pier Construction
During the Convent of the Elements, Realms Year 1019, the E.B.Co discussed the opening of a tavern on the Black Pier, land that was granted the Company by Margrave Balor the Red of Zweiwasser. Once the concept was cleared, Marik of the Embassy Guard was named as harbormaster but only after the renovation of the Pier and the construction of the tavern. The idea was presented to Biricus of Zweiwasser and later to the margrave himself. All parties agreed, the E.B.Co must now draw up building plans and present the method of funding.
News of a rebellion in Zweiwasser reached the East Blackwood Company causing concern for the security of the Black Pier, an East Blackwood holding within the Margravate. Ambassador Dagger of Blackwood and Sayeh of Sapphire Isle traveled to Zweiwasser with two of their guards immediately following the Convent to attempt to deal with the potentially troublesome situation.

Sciminova and Gales Morgan
Since before the establishment of the East Blackwood Company, Dagger of Blackwood had worked for Lord Protector Glabius of Sciminova within Mythodea's Northern Seal. The Lord Protector has yet to pay his debt to Dagger but offered him an opportunity after meeting with him during the Convent of the Elements, Realms Year 1019. A Trade Kontor within Sciminovo was offered if the E.B.Co could complete a task. That task was completed within three hours of having received it.

Hanse and East Blackwood Company
During the Convent of the Elements, Realms Year 1019, dealings between the Hanse and the East Blackwood Company continued culminating in the drawing, signing and sealing of a contract between the two company leaders. Dagger of Blackwood is now a member of the Hanse and Tares O'Grady Windschreiter of the East Blackwood Company.

Pan Mythodean Trade Summit
Once again during the Convent of the Elements, Realms Year 1019, the Realm of Roses hosted this event. Merchants from all around Mythodea and beyond were present along with dignitaries, lords, and ladies. Mixed in with a variety of entertainments was the chance to trade and make contracts with merchants and nations of Mythodea. The E.B.Co was also present at this meeting.

Porto Leonis and Trade?
Towards the end of the Convent of the Elements in Mythodea, Realms Year 1019, Ulrich von Hochkammer of Porto Leonis approached Dagger of Blackwood about problems he had heard the Ambassador and Trade Leader had with his city The conversation was rather long and it detailed the issues the E.B.Co had with Porto Leonis. The leader of Porto Leonis explained that the political and trade landscape had changed in Porto Leonis and that such things were no longer as they were when last Dagger spoke with a diplomat or the city. Dagger presented the E.B.Co's business platform and the two agreed to speak further in five weeks time during the Summer Campaign.

Sayeh of the E.B.Co Joins the S.H.G
During the Convent of the Elements, Realms Year 1019, Sayeh of Sapphire Isle was presented to the Seehandelsgilde. To assist with the proceedings, Ambassador Dagger presented Sayeh with a model of her ship a few days prior. The Governor, Frances of the S.H.G, sat down with Sayeh and Djako of the East Blackwood Company to discuss terms of membership. At the conclusion of the discussions, Sayeh was admitted with the stipulation that she fills out her crew more.

Business with Caradoc
At the start of the Convent, Realms Year 1019, Caradoc and the E.B.Co visited each other many times to work on business. The first meeting happened when a merchant of the Caradoc approached the company about the advertisement posted within the Herold. The first contract discussion was about mercenaries and later on, discussions continued about possible business opportunities culminating in a request from the East Blackwood Company for ships crew for The Jasmine, Sayeh of Saphire Isle's ship.

Creathone Delivers Resources for Trade
During the Convent of the Elements, Realms Year 1019, Sayeh of Sapphire Isle delivered the trademark listing the resources delivered to Seehandelsgilde ports to be purchased effectively helping secure East Blackwood and Realms Embassy finances for another year. The mark was later delivered to the S.H.G for their documentation.
River Trade in Schönweiler
The E.B.Co briefly met with Baron Fiete Münzer at the War of Ashes Campaign to Khal'hatra to discuss the river trade deal. Currently, the situation suggests that word from the Realm of Roses Master of Coin is needed to continue business further. Conversations with Stordon von Zackenburg later explained why.

East Blackwood Embassy Opens!
During the Convent of the Elements, dignitaries, nobles, merchants and friends from all over Mythodea were invited to attend the reception for the grand opening of the East Blackwood Embassy. The new embassy is located within the Western Seal's capital of Grian Quihenya. The embassy is officially open and will serve as the primary residence of Ambassador Dagger of Blackwood as well as a residence for guests, other Realms dignitaries and as a place of diplomacy and will serve as a consulate.
During the Grand Opening Reception, two-thirds of the invited parties were able to attend, and many brought with them other parties of interest, squires or company members. The event opened on the second day of the Convent with Representative Djako Kaevh greeting guests at the Banner of Silence and East Blackwood Camp. The hostess of the event, Representative Sayeh the Baroness of Sapphire Isle, greeted and guests after they had entered the camp. Ambassador Dagger explained to those gathered what was available to them during their stay, The Ambassador Newspaper, fruit, sweets, cheeses, breads, meats and five sorts of wine while Embassy Guards Marik and Varn served.
During the height of the social event the Nyame of the West, Siobhán NíCharthaigh, Margrave Balor the Red of Zweiwasser, Lord Protector Victor Kettle of Lunorth, Master Muriel, Tares O'Grady Windschreiter of the Mitrasperanische Hanse, Sir William Kutscher, Governor Frances Trebol of the Seehandelsgilde and Chattras the High Mayor of Blutgard were among the number of esteemed attendees. At the event's peak, Ambassador Dagger called for calm as the hostess, Sayeh, gave a speech thanking all of those who had attended on behalf of Blackwood's king and of the Embassy in Mythodea. She also announced that the King of Blackwood would be getting married in the fall to which those gathered offered their congratulations. Ambassador Dagger then presented a gift to Sayeh for her support of the Embassy in Mythodea since its conception before ending the overall proceedings with the Blackwood Song not too long after to close out an afternoon of wine and good company.
The East Blackwood Embassy thanks all of those who were able to attend and hopes for continued-positive relations in the future.
Elements be with You!
More than half a decade ago the game of "Pompfball" came to Mythodea. A tournament, known as the Almitrasperan Pompfball Championship, is held every two years on the Southern continent. Last year, however, Pompfball came to the Convent of the Elements as well when the Southern Seal hosted the festival. The new tournament is called the Mythodean Pompfball Cup. The team of Gold-Green Terra 04 edged a tournament victory over the other teams in the tournament's inaugural games becoming the first champions.
The basic rules
- A Game lasts two eight-minute rounds on a 15x25m field
- Each team consists of one goalie and four field players
- After the regular game time has ended, extra time will end with the Golden Goal
- At the end of overtime, a penalty shootout decides the winner
- Every foul the referee sees will be punished
In order to play you need...
- Five players (absolute minimum, eight would be better!)
- Each team provides a referee (if it does not play)
Other rules:
- You are allowed to bring your own "Pompfen" (rackets) but they must meet the requirements.
The team of Viribus United (of the Northern Seal) defeated the defending champions Gold-Green Terra 04 or GGT04 along with teams like the Western Allstars and EES to claim the Cup as their own. Perhaps one of the other established teams, or maybe even a new time, will claim the prize next year.