Mythodea / Castel Del Sol
As part of this celebration, the host agreed to have a memorial to the those who have fallen in recent times. The Five Candles memorial was hosted as well as two separate memorials for the recently deceased, Ronja Damotil of the Märkischer Bund and Lord Sir Vawn Coupant of Eagle's Rook.

In Memoriam
In recent memory, wars plagued Mythodea followed by, plagues, famine, natural and unnatural disasters throughout the known Worlds. Many have lost their lives in these struggles and some have come to be remembered in name and or in deed. The first ceremony was the five candle's ceremony form Zweiwasser and other parts of the Realm of Roses. This ceremony told the story of the destruction of the creature known as the Pestilence Crab and it honored those who fought and, more importantly, those who fought and gave their lives in service of Mythodea and the Elements. Four candles were lit representing the fought of the five champions who fought and two were re-lit symbolizing those who fought and who's flame still burns in life.
This ceremony was followed by words about Ronja Damotil of the Märkischer Bund who died in the Hohld in a conflict with the Undead Flesh. He spoke of her deeds and her passing and those she left behind. To conclude the memorial service for the evening, Lord Sir Vawn Coupant of Eagle's Rook was honored. A surcoat of Eagle's Rook was hung flanked by two candles in representation of him and those he left behind when he ascended to the Summer Lands. Sir Dagger told first of his passing and of what he meant to him in life. Following that, Lady Sayeh of Sapphire Isle spoke of her personal connections and experiences with Lord Sir Vawn, a true hero of the Realms and all who had the honor of meeting him. At the closing of the ceremony, a song was sung, The Ballad of Sir Vawn, by the bards present which told the story of his Lord Sir Vawn's passing.

Blackwood Court
Blackwood Court plays host to official Blackwood announcements, knightings, granted titles and important presentations. Last year at Sapphire House in Triskel, Western Seal, Sir Dagger of Blackwood and Djako Kaevh hosted the first Blackwood Court in Mythodea. This year, Sir Dagger of Blackwood and Lady Sayeh of Sapphire Isle hosted the second Blackwood Court in Mythodea.
The first item presented was that Bødvar BeerHunter was announced as being the East Blackwood Company's newest merchant. Bødvar had presented Sir Dagger, at a gathering in Lunorth with the Iron Daggers, with a chest of coin and a business proposition. Sir Dagger accepted on behalf of the East Blackwood Company welcoming Bødvar into the East Blackwood Company. Bødvar, with the support of the East Blackwood Company, will be constructing a brewery in the near future. It is reported that the hope is to have this brewery within Schwarzheim, Drachenbrück in Zweiwasser.

Commander Anthem and Captain Varn were also called forth to speak on Bødvar returning to his previous rank of Corporal based on honorable and devoted service since his demotion. Before those gathered, Commander Anthem and Captain Varn spoke kind and well deserved words of the recent deeds and beyond admirable service Bødvar had performed since his demotion earlier in the year. Bødvar was then returned to his previous rank of Corporal.
Sir Dagger of Blackwood and Lady Sayeh of Sapphire Isle explained briefly the title and position they held as Legates East and West of Blackwood which meant they could decide on matters of citizenship together in the absence of the Crown. Following that, they announced first the acceptance of Bødvar BeerHunter as a citizen of Blackwood before the gathered court. Bødvar stepped forward and proclaimed that as he was now a citizen of the Kingdom of Blackwood, he was no longer a mercenary but rather a Soldier of Blackwood and therefor would no longer be accepting payment from the E.B.Co treasury as a mercenary.
Captain Varn and Master Djako Kaevh were then recognized as Sworn Citizens of Blackwood meaning they had been sword to the Crown of Blackwood and the Nation as a whole. Both spoke continued oaths and promises to the Crown and Blackwood. Sir Dagger of Blackwood also encouraged Captain Varn to decide on a liege in the future.

Also present, made possible by a Sea Witches Glass, was Sir Pillipus of Eroewan who was recognized and congratulated by the Court for his recent knighting. Sir Pillipus, one the Knights of Blackwood's newest Knights, was invited to speak.

The Merit Based System
During Blackwood Court, Captain Varn presented the East Blackwood Company's new Merit Based measurement system. It is the hope of the East Blackwood Company that the Merit Based System become a standard system used in various realms and lands in the near future. A further more detailed report of the Merit Based System will be presented by "The Ambassador" at a later date.
After the formal Blackwood Court was concluded, the rest of the night was simply a party among the guests who were present and East Blackwood as well as a celebration of life in the name of the fallen. Commander Anthem offered his guests a buffet of various food and some sweets, ale, liqueurs and wine, though Lady Sayeh had brought her own crates of wine to offer the gathering as well. The night involved music, meditation at the Terra shrine and good company into the early hours of the next morning.