Holzbrüch / Free Cities and Bund
Märkischer Bund
Ronja Damotil, Former Chancellor of Knowledge of the Märkischer Bund, died during the Bluthatz earlier in the year leaving behind her father, Boromil Damotil. Representative Djako insisted, rightfully so, that the Embassy pay its respects to the father. The Embassy went to Märkischer Bund camp at the Convent of the Elements and offered their condolences. Both Dagger and Djako both had a few words and embraces to offer including a promise of support where needed. Together the group sat with Boromil „Bobo“ Damotil for a while and broke bread with him.

After hearing the news of the choice presented the Münzquell which demanded they leave their homes or die, Ambassador Dagger still felt it respectful to invite his greatest supporter within the Münzquell, Fe'wae' Me'llinar Vite'z of the Leckerlis. Fe'wae' had spoken for Dagger during the first Pan Mythodean Trade Conferences, effectively supporting the East Blackwood Company's chances of assuming a leadership role in the Terra Tunnel repairs needed for that year's summer campaign. Fe'wae' was invited to attend a reception to commemorate the opening of the East Blackwood Embassy in Grian Quihenya. He brought his niece as his plus two. Fia and Chattras Wine and refreshments were provided for them while they treated with the various assembled dignitaries, merchants and the staff of the Embassy including Ambassador Dagger and Representative Sayeh of Sapphire Isle.

Porto Leonis
Ulrich von Hochkammer of Porto Leonis met with Ambassador Dagger of Blackwood during the Convent of the Elements (2019) to discuss the issues the East Blackwood Embassy and E.B.Co had with Porto Leonis. Dagger explained the issues to include the first time he met with a Leonis dignitary and other issues that transpired after. Ulrich explained that there had been changes within the city to include their stand on trade and the Mitrasperanische Hanse. This prompted Dagger to present the East Blackwood Companies general offer. After further discussion, Ulrich and Dagger agreed to continue the conversation during the Summer Campaign.

Ad Astra
Se'amus O'Connor, Iuba Bajoran and Alayne Osfrydstochter were invited to attend a reception to commemorate the opening of the East Blackwood Embassy in Grian Quihenya. Iuba was the only Ad Astran able to attend but was welcomed fondly. Wine and refreshments were provided for them while they treated with the various assembled dignitaries, merchants and the staff of the Embassy including Ambassador Dagger and Representative Sayeh of Sapphire Isle. During the party, Ambassador Dagger spoke at length about potential trade relations between the East Blackwood Company and Ad Astra. Further meetings will have to take place in the future to discuss the matter further.

Ing of the Bracar Keltoi, His Eminence Chattras and Fia of the Brakar Keltoi were invited to attend a reception to commemorate the opening of the East Blackwood Embassy in Grian Quihenya. Fia and Chattras were both able to attend and were welcomed fondly. Wine and refreshments were provided for them while they treated with the various assembled dignitaries, merchants and the staff of the Embassy including Ambassador Dagger and Representative Sayeh of Sapphire Isle. As the party wore down, Fia chose to stay behind and drink with the staff including the Ambassador. Plans to commemorate a tavern in Fia’s name are now in motion.