OT/OOC Discord / East Blackwood Garbed-Discord Gettogether and Yearly Meeting
Discord: Every year the East Blackwood and Realms Embassy Project hosts a project meeting where they review the prior year and plan for the coming year. Next to this meeting was also the tradition of visiting the Esslingen Christmas and Medieval Market dressed partly as our LARP characters (if we wanted to). This year due to the global crises we cannot meet in Esslingen but we can meet up and do the same thing on Discord. So we invite everyone to join us.
Discord Garbed Get-together and Yearly Meeting:
Starts 17:00 (GMT+1) /11am East Coast Time
- Come Garbed/in IT clothing
- All are welcome, friends, family, group members, enemies, pets, curious people
- Meet up and have a drink with us
- Glühwein, Hot Mead, Coco suggested
- Larp/East Blackwood Video List
- Hosted in the General Voice and Text chats of the East Blackwood and Realms Embassy LARP Project Discord Server
- Will run during the Project Meeting
- Ends when the last people log off
- Live Stream (if we can get it to work. will test this weekend)
Yearly Meeting
Starts 20:00 (GMT+1) /2pm East Coast Time
- The Projects yearly Meeting which recaps 2020 and plans for 2021
- Project members and affiliates i.e Kingdom of Blackwood, Realms Embassy etc.
- Expected to last 2 hours
- With pictures this time!
- More organized than the prior meetings
- Hosted in the Project Meeting voice and Text chats of the East Blackwood and Realms Embassy Project Discord Server
- Should end after about two hours.
Samstag, 12. Dezember 2020 um 17:00 UTC+01
Öffentlich · Gastgeber: The Blackwood and Realms Embassies, and East Blackwood Company
Online-Veranstaltung https://discord.gg/GbPeGeG6gC