Passing of "Lying" Lilly
Passing of Lilly of the Freischaerler,
Lilly had been a soldier of the Freischaerler for some time before her untimely death at the hands of a settler. During a expedition to the Southern Continent, Lilly was among the few surviving Freischaerler of an earlier mission in that region. The Freischaeler themselves were all prior convicted criminals who were serving a sentence in the form a military service to Mythodea. During the campaign she was accused of what amounted to treason against the Elements. Many of those gathered attempted to pass judgement but a small group of people including Corporal Bødvar BeerHunter of East Blackwood and Noam of the Märkischer Bund stood in Lilly's defense.

Bødvar demanded a fair trial and acted as Lilly's defense when it was accepted. After the trial, Lilly was given a chance to live as long as she performed a task. She accomplished the task presented and earned her right to live but forever was to be known as Lying Lilly... Yet she lived.
Lilly, although she had earned the right to live, was murdered shortly after. Lilly is survived by her brothers and sisters of the Freischaerler and those who spoke for Terra's Justice like Corporal Bødvar BeerHunter of East Blackwood and Noam of the Märkischer Bund.