Bicolline / Soirée taverne - Campaign Day
Canada: The Realms Embassy has come into conflict the Ordo Cervi. A conflict was set and battle will be had between the two guilds and their supporters.

The conflict started as simple bickering between people of different taste and soon escelated to blows. Now, full on battle is imminent.
Date de l'activité
Samstag, 21. September 2019 von 08:00 bis 17:00 EDT
Description de l'activité
Enjoy a pint full of the brim, as you sit with your friends or enemies, and feast on delectable bites served by the innkeeper! These themed evenings are the perfect place to negociate, swindler, have fun, play and socialize!
21,74$ + tx (25$) membre
26,09$ + tx (30$) régulier
La période de pré-inscription se termine le vendredi 26 avril à 15h59.
Autrement, vous pourrez vous inscrire sur place.
* Le tarif d'inscription sera majoré de 5$ pour tout paiement à la porte.
** L'inscription est non remboursable mais elle demeure transférable à une autre personne pour la même activité. Dans cette éventualité, le participant pré-inscrit doit confirmer par courriel le nom de son remplaçant avant le début de l'activité à
Member: CAN $21,74 + tx ($25)
Regular: CAN $26,09 + tx ($30)
The pre-registration period ends on Friday April 26th at 15:59. Otherwise, you can register at the gate during the event.
* The registration price will be increased by $ 5 for all payments at the gate.
** Registration is non-refundable but remains transferable to another person for the same activity. In this case, the pre-registered participant must confirm by email the name of his/her substitute before the start of the activity at