Bicolline / Quies ante tempestatem - campagne spéciale "maritime"
Canada: Sir Shean, the Head Ambassador, will travel to Bicolline once again to support the interests of the Realms at Quies ante tempestatem.
The quiet before the storm - Campagne special "maritime"
13 October 2018 from 09:00-18:00
Public · Hosted by Bicolline
1480 Main Road (Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc), G0X 1N0
A combat activity designed for players who wish to participate in a continuous "military campaign" type event with 2 or more fronts.
The best way to resolve conflicts, advance the intrigues of the game and give a good dose of adrenaline to the fighters. Choose your camp well ... any action has repercussions in the world of Bicolline!
To register you must:
- Be 16 years old
- Be ready to immerse yourself in 8 hours non stop of role play and fight
- Complete the registration form on our website
- Choose your front
- Pay the fees registration
Registration includes campaign activity, meals (lunch and dinner) and access to the following tavern evening.
$ 65 member / $ 80 regular
* The registration fee will be increased by $ 5 for any payment at the door.
** Registration is non-refundable but remains transferable to another person for the same activity. In this event, the participant must confirm by e-mail the name of his / her substitute before the start of the activity by email at:
The population records are submitted according to the following criteria:
- a regular member must to be pre-registered and to have paid before the activity to receive a card
- a privilege member receives a card as soon as it is present
- a non-member does not receive a Reminder card for field presences:
In order for the presence of a participant to be counted in the geopolitical game of Bicolline, the participant must:
- Have paid his registration
- Have registered his character at the registries (with the exception of members whose profile is already registered) ground of the hostel during opening hours